Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Episode Desperate Housewive

Although Cooper, 60, looks these days like an out-of-shape Al Bundy of rocknroll, hes as wired as ever, having brought the Turning Stone crowd to a boil with one of the final U. In the new episode of Desperate Housewive, everyone has gathered at a club to see the guys play in the annual Battle of the Bands when a fire erupts, threatening the lives of those in attendance. com reports Alex Rodriguez - rumored to be the latest man in Madonnas life - was spotted in the audience. Then she headed off to spend election night in Arizona with Sen. According to Wyle, George said, absolutely, schedule permitting. But who is a big enough star to present an Ultimate Legend Award to Sir Paul McCartney in Liverpool? Show organisers have done Macca, and themselves, proud as we can reveal MTV bosses have flown in U2s Bono for the hand-over.

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