Monday, January 19, 2009

Hollywood stunner Cameron Diaz beau Paul

Im diabetic, you heartless bitch Just kidding. Hollywood stunner Cameron Diaz and beau Paul Sculfor are nowadays busy hunting for a Hollywood love nest. This years trip is especially gratifying, Niemeier said. How would Azeroth go if the inhabitants voted in the US election next week? Barack Obama would win hands down, more than 80% of the vote, with the trolls, orcs and undead of the Horde in Azeroth, but John McCain fares a little better with the Alliance, winning with dwarves and splitting the human vote. That put it ahead of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, which grossed STG66. While the exact nature of Terrence Howards dismissal from Iron Man 2 in favor of Don Cheadle for the role of Col.

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