Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Word Aerosmiths Perry also

Well, thats a relief, isnt it? Barack Obama is the new president of the world and we can all sleep soundly in our beds, having sweet dreams that involve skipping through fields hand in hand with loved ones to a soundtrack of The Greatest Love of All, as butterflies flutter overhead. Word is Aerosmiths Joe Perry was also in the house. No matter how you look at it there can be only one winner in this category - Harrington. Kim Kardashian has signed on for a guest appearance on the CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother. And while no release date or title has been set, producer Dr. In an interview this afternoon, the Iron Man star hewed close to the Marvel party line when asked about the expulsion of co-star Terrence Howard from geek Eden in favour of an allegedly less-difficult Don Cheadle When asked if he had anything to do with the Howard/Cheadle switch, Downey immediately responded, I had nothing to do with that decision.

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